in this article, i will show you how to create and publish nuget package in the .net framework
step: 1 create an account at
step: 2 generate an API key(keep it safe) keep glob pattern to *
step: 3 create class library .net framework
step: 4 change assembly info (title, description, company, product, copyright), unload project...
step: 5 edit.csproj file and set configuration from "debug" to "release"
step: 6 go to and download nuget.exe and paste it at the location where the .csproj file is
step: 7 open cmd and go to the same location and type command nuget spec "the csprojfile"
step: 8 open the newly create .nuspec file and fill in the values.
step: 9 compile and build the project in release
step: 10 run nuget pack
step: 11 run this command: nuget push {nugetpackagename}{API KEY} -Source"
if you have any doubts , please let me know